Escrow is a written agreement, money or property delivered to a third party or a trust put in by one party to a contract to be returned after fulfillment of agreed condition.
Escrow administration software is an administrative or business tool for the fast developing era of the technology. It will be the most sought after business tool for rapidly growing technology industry of this century. The main function of this software is to protect the interests of both the technology developer and the licensees.

Now a day the protection of valuable intellectual property is the most serious issue. The most reliable way to protect your valuable intellectual property is by using Escrow administration software. It is ideal to protect customized intellectual property with Escrow. For customized intellectual property Escrow, agreements between technology developers and licensees. It is the most trusted way to protect your intellectual property. You can't find other alternative to it. It is the most reliable partner to be trusted. There is nothing like it!

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