The computers have become one of the most important elements of people's life nowadays. In this 21st century it is not only used for professional and educational purposes, but also used as an entertainment device, communication gadget and for some just a item of home décor. For whatever reason a computer being used, without its display unit it is just meaningless. If someone couldn't see his work progress or the output of his work, then having a computer is just worthless. This visual display unit is simply known as PC monitors.

There are generally two types of PC monitor which are available in the market. These are Liquid Crystal Display Monitors and the Cathode Ray Tube monitors. Apart from these, there are also Plasma monitor and Penetron monitor, which use very less energy comparatively to the CRT and LCD monitors.

The CRT monitors consist of cathode ray tube display device and the circuity to generate the picture from the computer's electronic signals. These type of monitors do generate their screen images by using a cathode inside a vacuum which keep into a sealed glass tube. These monitors are much bulky than the LCDs. The screen size of these monitors is usually smaller than the labeled size of just 1.5 - 2.0-inch. For that reason a 19-inch CRT PC monitor has the same screen size as a 17-inch LCD monitor.

On the other hand, LCD monitors come with much less weight compared to the CRTs. These are capable to produce a much more accurate representation of the screen size. For their ultra-thickness and light weight they possess a high portability and for their very stylish design they enhance the beauty of the reading room. These monitors are capable to produce a decent contrast ratio, but apart from the high-end LCD monitors, the response rates vary from model to model. These PC monitors also consume a very less electricity compared to the CRT monitors. These display units come with wide-screen technology and give an aspect ratio of 16:9 or 16:10. These kind of monitors also come with a much higher price compared to the CRT monitors.

With the huge demands of computers, new and innovative technology enabled pc monitors are coming into the market. These monitors are equipped with advanced high-quality technology, and give amazing performance with some elegant features.

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