Laptop owners should know that regular hard drives generate a good amount of heat whenever that disk is spinning around. They also know that it can get pretty noisy depending on some brands of hard drives. A good solution to all those problems is to invest in a Solid State Disk. These items are one of the newest items when it comes to hard drives and computer hardware. Some people may be wondering "how come I have never heard of this?" One reason for that is because this product has primarily been marketed to the military and particular industries, which means very little exposure to the public. Second of all, there's only a handful of manufacturers who actually make the products like Samsung and Sandisk, who are major manufacturers of Solid State Disks however; there are other companies that manufacture these products for mass distribution. Another reason why no one has heard of it is due to the fact that some companies do not expect the SSD market to take off until this year. Although conceptual and actual SSDs existed in the 1970s, the cost was so high that nobody could afford one. It is still quite pricey where prices can range from $200 - $1000 depending on the capacity and where you purchase it from.
Nowadays, it is not very hard to get this device but finding the right price will take some more time. A quick search on your favorite search engine or shopping website will give you quick hits about the Solid State Disks. It may be in the early stages like when the Hard Disk Drive first came out. Certainly there is limited space for the Solid State Disks, but over time that will gradually increase to the sizes that are available for hard disk drives.
So now that you have a brief history about SSD, there are some advantages and disadvantages that you should know about the drive:
Advantages - lighter than conventional hard drives - faster start-up times - No noise (no moving parts) - low read and write latency
Disadvantages - Price - Higher Vulnerability - Capacity
There are certainly more advantages than disadvantages when it comes to this technology however, these are only a brief list of the pros and cons of the item. Aside from the fact that it is lighter, the SSD can operate at very low read and write latencies which is a huge advantage to have because you won't have to wait for your computer to load programs at slow speeds. What also makes the the solid state very fast is that it does not rely on the physical location of data to read the file due to the constant seek time. Although the SSD plays a role with load time, the amount of RAM also determines how fast things load.
With this type of technology comes a price, and it is fairly expensive at the moment. Expect the prices to drop some time in the future when the technology improves.
You can find some of the solid state drives at for a decent price. You may also want to check other kinds of brands to compare the size and performance you want on your computer/laptop. I hope this article has done it's job to give you a brief overview of what solid state disks are capable of.
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